
What Kills Mold 100%? Answers from Professional Mold Removers

Mold removal, water damage restoration, fire damage restoration

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Mold is one of the most common problems faced by anyone who lives in a building. Naturally, getting rid of it is one of the most commonly searched questions on the internet. There are a lot of opinions on what kills mold 100%, but unfortunately, a lot of them are misguided, risky, or incorrect. This is because not everyone on the internet is a mold expert. We are.

We’re Cleaner Guys, a professional mold inspection and mold removal company in Washington State with more than 20 years of experience. It’s our job to know mold inside and out. And frankly, we’re alarmed by some of the common suggestions we see on the internet for killing mold, including bleach and vinegar. So we’re here to set the record straight. Let’s dive into what does truly get rid of mold — and what doesn’t.

Table of Contents

What Kills Mold 100%?

For large amounts of mold, the only method that kills mold 100%, every time, is removing all of the mold-infested materials entirely, and replacing them with new materials. Mold likes to root deep into drywall, wood, and textiles, and once it has spread over a certain amount, it is too deeply rooted to just wipe off. The materials must be removed completely, by professionals.

DIY Cleaning Methods That Can Work

There are a few cleaning methods that can kill mold 100%, but only for very small amounts of mold growth. “Very small amounts of mold” here means less than 1 square foot of total area covered by mold.
For mold growth of a less-than-1-square-foot area, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, fungicide, and PineSol Multi-Surface Cleaner can all potentially work. We do not guarantee that they will work, because they may not be effective if applied incorrectly or insufficiently. They also may not be effective if there is a lot more mold under the surface where you can’t see it, which happens sometimes. But if you have only a very tiny amount of mold or mildew, these cleaners may be effective.

DIY Cleaning Methods That Do NOT Work

In our decades of working with mold, we have not found any other household cleaners to be effective at removing mold. A lot of people ask things like “is soap and water enough to kill mold?” The answer is no, soap and water will not kill mold. Neither will mild or “green” household cleaners, cleaning wipes like Clorox wipes on mold, herbal remedies like witch hazel on mold, or astringents like rubbing alcohol on mold. None of these cleaning agents are strong enough to penetrate deeply enough to kill all the mold. Only the very strong cleaning chemicals recommended in the previous section may have a chance at removing your mold.

Click here to learn more about why we do NOT recommend using bleach for mold. ➜

Visit this article to learn why vinegar doesn’t work on mold — but it does on very small areas ➜

Click here to learn more about why using rubbing alcohol on mold is actually really dangerous! ➜

NOTE: While we said that the best method for getting rid of mold is removing all infested materials, an untrained layperson should not attempt this. Mold spores cause mold sickness, which can be dangerous, and without the proper training and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), you will likely get sick. Furthermore, trained professional mold removers have the equipment to test for any remaining mold after removing materials, which ensures 100% removal. Do not try complete mold removal on your own!

Do I Need a Mold Removal Company?

You need a mold removal company if you have discovered mold growth that covers more than 1 square foot of material. In our professional experience, once mold has spread further than 1 square foot on a porous material like drywall or wood, it has likely rooted too deeply into the material to be removed with any household cleaners.

If you discover a single patch of mold that covers a less than 1 square foot area, you may safely try to remove it yourself. We recommend a fungicide or vinegar. Do not use bleach or mix bleach with any other chemical! (Read why this is important here)

If you discover brown or blackish stuff in your shower, bathtub, or toilet that looks like mold, this is most likely mildew. Mildew is a form of mold that roots shallowly and likes to grow on non-porous materials like plastic and ceramic. You can clean mildew yourself easily with vinegar or a fungicide, because mildew can not root deeply into plastic or tile.

What Does Mold Look Like?

Mold is a fungal growth that likes to grow on porous materials like drywall, wood, and textiles. It can look like small clusters of spots or large patches, and can be fuzzy or slimy in texture. Mold is commonly green, black, brown, gray, and white, and even sometimes yellow or red.

Mold can appear as the smallest cluster of fuzzy grey dots in the corner of your bathroom ceiling, or widespread green and black fungus behind your fridge. It can look like many different colors, sizes, and textures, but it nearly always grows on drywall, wood, or textiles.

Some examples of what mold looks like

What Causes Mold?

Excess moisture is almost always what causes mold. All mold needs to grow is excess moisture, oxygen, warmth, and a food source. Mold growth can take less than 48 hours, because mold spores are in the air all the time, just like dust and bacteria.

So then, do all houses have mold? Technically, yes, all houses have mold because they have mold spores in the air. However, the average well-maintained home or business lacks enough moisture for mold to take root and grow. That’s why mold almost always starts growing after some sort of water damage.

Water damage includes leaks, floods, overflowed toilets, sinks, and bathtubs, water heater malfunctions, pipe bursts, and every other kind of accidental water accident in a home or business. All of these situations introduce a lot more water into the space, and drywall, wood, and textiles quickly soak it up. These water-saturated materials are now a prime breeding ground for mold. It feeds on any organic materials, including drywall, wood, textiles, food crumbs, and anything else it can absorb once it has enough moisture to take root.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best natural mold killer?

Unfortunately, there are not any chemical solutions that are both “all natural” and strong enough to kill mold completely. The best natural mold killer is vinegar, but vinegar does not penetrate drywall or wood very deeply, and so often leaves behind some mold deep in the material. If you want to get rid of mold, but you don’t want to use any harsh chemicals, then the best method is completely removing and replacing the mold-infested materials.

How do you get rid of mold on plants?

The mold species that grow on plants are different from the mold species that grow on walls, ceilings, and wood. Therefore, mold on plants needs different cleaning solutions. Cinnamon, baking soda solution, and neem oil are the most popular solutions for getting rid of mold on plants.

What happens if you touch mold with bare hands?

Touching mold with bare hands will release mold spores into the air. This can cause you to get mold sickness, with symptoms like a runny nose, red or itchy eyes, or a headache. See a much more extensive list of possible mold sickness symptoms here.
Those with sensitive skin may also experience skin irritation or a rash from direct contact with mold. Aloe very or an oatmeal soak can help with such skin irritation.

A photo of some of our team of technicians at Cleaner Guys, ready to disappear your mold!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. No part of this article is medical or legal advice, and may not be used as such. For all serious medical matters, consult your doctor. For all serious legal matters, consult your legal advisor. This article contains Cleaner Guys’ experience and opinions only.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Audrey Almond

    I had a towel on the bottom of the wood below my plmbling drains under sink. I think because i was using my spray and pulling it out, the towel must have gotten wet and when I looked down into the cupboard the towel and floor was full of black mold from water evidently leaving on it. I have scrubbed with vinegar but the dark color left won’t come off. Can I bleach it so it looks not grey and dark in spots. It won’t scrub off back to the original varnished color. What to do.

    1. Melanie Ortegon

      Thanks for asking a question, Audrey! We strongly do NOT recommend using bleach on the mold, as its toxic fumes can be very bad for you, and it will likely just damage the surface. If you’ve used vinegar and the moldy area is still dark and discolored, that very likely means that the mold is still rooted deep in the wood. We recommend that you hire a professional mold remover to come take a look at it and safely remove the mold-infested material and replace it.

  2. Cindy

    I have a leather lounge and I have noticed mould on it. What would be your suggestion how to cope with this. Thanks you Cindy

    1. Melanie Ortegon

      Hi Cindy! With leather lounge seating, the first thing you want to do is test and find out if it is actually leather or if it is vinyl. A lot of furniture these days looks like leather, but it is actually vinyl. Google “how to test whether a couch is leather or vinyl” and use whatever methods you can to determine this.
      Once you’ve figured out whether your furniture piece is leather or vinyl, clean it thoroughly with either a leather cleaner or a vinyl cleaner (depending on which one your furniture piece is). This should clean the mold just fine. If you want to be extra sure, you can also wipe it down with a disinfectant or antimicrobial cleaner. However, be sure to first patch test the disinfectant/antimicrobial cleaner on an inconspicuous or easily-concealable part of the furniture, to make sure its not going to negatively impact the color or finish. Follow the bottle directions for dilution, dwell time and rinsing etc.
      If the mold contamination is significant, like all over multiple sides of the furniture piece, we would recommend throwing it away. However, if it is an investment piece, an heirloom, or an antique, you CAN try taking it to a professional upholstery shop, and see what they can do with it.

  3. Yonagi

    During the freeze that happened in the south, a pipe burst in my outside washroom. The wall is now covered in mold. How can I clean it up the best way without having to tear down the walls?

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